M. reverchonii (67)


DSCF0041  DSCF0050

c67a  c67.1

Source: Old Hall Herbs

Ref: 67

M. reverchonii is a problem mint. I have acquired it from four different sources and only two of them resemble one another. It also has a confused classification. It is generally listed as part of the x piperita complex, often in the x piperita citrata complex. On a purely morphological basis, neither of these classifications would be appropriate for any of the four specimens that I have. Cultivar 67 from Old Hall has distinctive morphology, is grey green with reddish young leaf edges and not a hint of peppermint or Eau de Cologne, just a dull spearmint. Cultivar 067 from Hubert Herbs in Ireland has very small lanceolate, reticulate leaves, thin stems with long slim spikes of verticills of pale lavender flowers and a distinctive musty menthol smell that does not suggest peppermint or Eau de Cologne. Cultivar 0067 from Idencroft Herbs is the same as 067. The fourth cultivar from Jekka Herbs was discarded since it was identical to M. mobillei (cultivar 70) from the same source. In a situation like this it is difficult to know which cultivar is really reverchonii, but looking at Cultivar 100 from Old Hall, I would suggest that it is the same as 67 and that 67 is in fact M. dutomasum and that cross contamination occurred prior to my acquiring both cultivars in June 2002.